Different Jumping Releases

with Stephanie Cook

Grab the mane? Crest release? Following arm? So many choices! As riders and instructors, we want to develop the most effective, kind, and consistent method to place our arms and hands over fences. “Wide hands,” driving reins, counting, and gymnastics in the half seat will be used to help riders develop a feel for balance, rhythm, and following the horse’s mouth over the top of the fences in order to maintain constant contact.

Running time: 54 minutes
Part of the Classic Effective Horsemanship Series.

Stephanie Cook’s passion for horses had her riding and teaching students starting at just ten years old. She is a CHA English and Western Certified Instructor and an USHJA Certified Trainer. In 1987 she graduated from the United States Military Academy with a Bachelor of Science degree, earning her MBA later in life. She opened Hill County Riding Academy outside of San Antonio, TX, where she teaches and trains horses and students of all kinds. Stephanie wants to help riders to improve their position for a better ride and relationship with their horse.


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Changing Your Track to a Fence


Connected Riding