About Us

MovingImagesNW is a family-run business whose primary objective is to create meaningful, affordable video memories for individuals and organizations.  We are a cut above the “family cameraman” with their “home video footage” (iPad, camcorder, cellphone, etc.), yet it is not our goal to be a movie production company that wants to make name recognized movies and charge the average person “film production prices”.

Tom and Michal Kays have been in the horse industry full-time since the mid-70s, and they have successfully run their own horse business since 1990.  In 2006 they started MovingImagesNW to help meet the need in the horse industry for capturing quality video of events. Their videos provide lasting memories as well as educational value because they know what people look for when watching their favorite equine sport, how horses act (and react) in a public setting, and how the camera can enhance or distort the animal.

They also wanted to free friends and family from the responsibility of preserving these events and allow a qualified video crew to worry about capturing the special occasion and producing the final product.

Additionally, their knowledge and experience is not limited to the horse world.  As parents of active children and grandchildren (plus a variety of pets), they have been involved with theatre, concerts, sports, camps, shows, educational programs, and many other outdoor adventures.  Since they are familiar with the behind-the-scenes workings of many of these activities, they naturally have an added advantage in recording and editing these personal memories.The freelance video/editing team that works for MovingImagesNW are selected for their understanding and enthusiasm for the mission and their ability to produce quality work.

MovingImagesNW has the cameras, software, and equipment and most important, the desire to see your collection of memories preserved and enjoyed for years to come. 

If you have hours of video tape and/or photos of events from your past, consider letting the “home movie experts” produce a broadcast quality video enjoyable for all to watch.  We are approachable, affordable, and will work with you and your ideas to create your own unique “Moving Image”.