Demystifying the Half Halt

with Heidi Potter

Ever wondered how to explain this often used but seldom understood concept of re-balancing the horse? Exercises with humans on the ground and on the horse will demonstrate how to break down what a half halt is, how and when to apply the aids, and even how to teach it to riding students of all levels.

Running time: 53 minutes

Heidi Potter is a natural style trainer that specializes in a gentle and progressive way of working with horses. She is an Internationally known and respected Certified Centered Riding Clinician, CHA Master Clinician, and Horse Agility Accredited Trainer. She teaches a wide variety of training and riding clinics worldwide and at her facility, The New England Center for Horsemanship. Heidi's ability to read horses and progress with calmness, clarity and consistency has proven successful in building safe, trusting, respectful, enjoyable horse/human partnerships.


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