Effective Groundwork

with Tara Reimer

Ground work to ‘check in’ makes for calmer, more productive time spent with your horse. Learn how the horse’s brain works, then use a combination of ground work exercises to build their confidence. These activities can also be used in equine assisted learning to empower students in their relationships with their horses.

Running time: 36 minutes
Part of the Classic Effective Horsemanship Series.

Tara Reimer’s passion is teaching humans and horses to develop their talents. She is a CHA Clinic Instructor and Region 2 Director. In 2013 she was CHA’s Instructor of the Year. On her ranch, Cloud 9, near Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada she teaches a wide variety of disciplines such as: Western and English riding, vaulting, equine-assisted psychotherapy, therapeutic riding. She also judges shows, trains horses, and gives clinics. Tara wants to help build horse-rider relationships through productive, calm exercises.


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