Vaulting Basics: Gymnastics on Horseback

with Cheryl West

The sport of vaulting, gymnastics on horseback, is an easy way to create better riders in their sense of rhythm, balance, and confidence. This introduction to vaulting will outline the steps to teaching people who are just starting out, as well as safety pointers and program considerations. With a ratio of 8 riders to 1 horse, vaulting can be a simple way to enhance any equestrian program.

Running time: 68 minutes

Cheryl West is passionate about getting the rider to connect and understand the communication between horse and rider. She is CHA Master Instructor and Certifier for English, Western, Jumping, Therapeutic & Equine Management, a PATH CTRI and Mentor, and a Certified Personal Trainer with NASM. She owns West Equestrian Ranch in Sand Springs, Oklahoma, where she runs a full-service facility with 50+ riders, and operates a therapeutic facility with 70+riders. Cheryl encourages riders of all levels of horsemanship and all riding disciplines to strive for those “light bulb” moments which satisfy the horse/human experience.


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